
Recent ones

  1. BDTA2023
    BigText-QA: Question Answering over a Large-Scale Hybrid Knowledge Graph
    Xu, Jingjing, Biryukov, Maria, Theobald, Martin, and Venugopal, Vinu Ellampallil
  2. ICSC23
    Ontology Mediated Document Retrieval for Exploratory Big Data Analytics
    Kulkarni, Apurva, Ramanathan, Chandrashekar, and Venugopal, Vinu E.
    In 17th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2023, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, February 1-3, 2023 2023
  3. CoRR23
    TensAIR: Online Learning from Data Streams via Asynchronous Iterative Routing
    Tosi, Mauro Dalle Lucca, Venugopal, Vinu E., and Theobald, Martin
    CoRR 2022
  4. BDA22
    Ontology Augmented Data Lake System for Policy Support
    Kulkarni, Apurva, Bassin, Pooja, Parasa, Niharika Sri, Venugopal, Vinu E., Srinivasa, Srinath, and Ramanathan, Chandrashekar
    In Big Data Analytics in Astronomy, Science, and Engineering - 10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, BDA 2022, Aizu, Japan, December 5-7, 2022, Proceedings 2022
  5. JPDC22
    Targeting a light-weight and multi-channel approach for distributed stream processing
    Venugopal, Vinu Ellampallil, Theobald, Martin, Tassetti, Damien, Chaychi, Samira, and Tawakuli, Amal
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2022
    Convergence time analysis of Asynchronous Distributed Artificial Neural Networks
    Tosi, Mauro Dalle Lucca, Venugopal, Vinu Ellampallil, and Theobald, Martin
    In International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data 2022
  7. BNAIC21
    Verbalizing but Not Just Verbatim Translations of Ontology Axioms
    Venugopal, Vinu Ellampallil, and Kumar, P. Sreenivasa
    In 33rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021